
Scott Zeien

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Product Spotlight: Navionics’ Dock-To-Dock Auto-Routing Software

Reprinted from Panbo, by Ben Ellison 12/31/2015 Let's (begin 2016) with some new technology that will really make a difference. I think it's Navionics' new Dock-to-dock autorouting system, and it may not be getting the recognition it deserves because Navionics already offered autorouting that was only marginally useful (like the... Continue reading
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The Albies Are In! That’s Why Those Gulls Are So Excited!

The false albacore goes by many names. Little tunny, fat albert, bonito, football, spotted bonito. But whatever anglers call it, the species is prized for its blistering runs and sheer power. The smallest member of the Scombridae family, the false albacore is not a “true” tuna and is, in fact,... Continue reading