Kingman Yacht Club (KYC) is an association of boating enthusiasts with the purpose of encouraging camaraderie among boaters and fostering the sport of boating. As the social arm of Kingman Yacht Center, the Yacht Club plans and implements activities designed to enhance the boating experience of its members. Yacht Club Full Members have an advisory role in the planning and design of KYC affairs, and member committees have the financial and personnel backing of Kingman Yacht Club, LLC.
All Kingman Boaters are automatically Social Members of KYC, and enjoy access to almost all shore-side and cruising events. There’s something happening at KYC every weekend from May through September!
Members of the community who have applied for and been accepted as Full Members benefit from:
- Unrestricted access the the KYC Clubhouse overlooking Red Brook Harbor
- Reciprocal privileges at yacht clubs across the country
- Discounted Sea Tow membership
- Discounts on Gas and Diesel Fuel at Kingman Yacht Center
- Complimentary membership to MarinaLife cruising concierge services, including cruise planning and dockage discounts
- A KYC burgee to fly on their boats
- Reduced rates at any club event that has an admission cost
- Voting rights in decisions affecting club policies
- Complimentary subscriptions to boating magazines
Current Full Members can renew their annual memberships by clicking HERE.

Membership Details
Membership in this private Club is open to all adults over the age of 21 years. Membership is divided into two tiers: Full Members and Social Members.
Full Members
Full Members have submitted applications for new membership and have been approved for new membership by the the Operations Board. Full Members in good standing who are not in default in payment of their initiation fees, dues, assessments or other fees will enjoy all of the privileges of membership. These privileges include full access to the Clubhouse and all Club events, the right to serve as Club Officers and/or Committee Members, listing in the Club Registry with the right to fly the Club Burgee, a Membership Card introducing them to other yacht clubs, and one vote per Full Member household. A full list of Full Member benefits can be found here.
Social Members
Social Members are Long-Term Lessees or Seasonal Renters of slips or moorings at Kingman Yacht Center who have not applied or been accepted for full Membership in the Club. Social Members shall have access to most Club events, but do not enjoy the other privileges of full Membership described above.
Application and Admission to Membership
Application for Membership may be made in writing to the Secretary, must be accompanied by the initiation fee and first-year dues, must bear the recommendation of one Full Member, and must be signed by the applicant. All monies collected with the application will be fully refunded if the application is denied.
The name of each applicant will be forwarded to the Operations Board for investigation and recommendation. The Board will vote on an applicant’s admission at their next meeting following the two-week review period.
For more information about full membership in the Kingman Yacht Club, please contact the Club Secretary: [email protected].
Reciprocal Slips & Moorings
Kingman Yacht Club offers reciprocal slip and mooring facilities at Kingman Yacht Center, located on Red Brook Harbor off Buzzards Bay on Cape Cod. Slips and moorings are available to members of yacht clubs that offer like reciprocity.
KYC offers 50% off of the normal rental rate for reciprocal use of docks and moorings (including free launch service), subject to availability. There may be an additional electrical charge for larger power boats. 12 Noon check in and check out. No more than two reciprocal boats from the same club at one time, and there is a seasonal limit of 8 reciprocal boats per club.
Advance reservations are required, and slips and moorings will be assigned as available on a first come, first served basis. Please email Sophie, or call her at 508-563-7136, extension 136.
Visiting boats are required to check in at the marina office and show current membership card. Visiting boats are required to fly their burgees. Rafting is not permitted by order of the Town of Bourne.
Current KYC Officers
COMMODORE –Ron Klattenberg
VICE COMMODORES – Kristin DiCroce & Ann Prete
SECRETARY – Ellen Sullivan
MANAGER – Scott Zeien