
Where Can Cape Codders See Fireworks By Boat This Year?

Where Can Cape Codders See Fireworks By Boat This Year?

There have been lots of pandemic-related cancellations, including Falmouth, Onset and Provincetown, but here’s where to see some great pyrotechnics by boat.

Hyannis, Lewis Bay

July 4 (rain date September 4, 2021) at Dusk. Viewing from all around the bay.

Plymouth Harbor

July 5 at 9:15PM. More Info: Plymouth Fireworks

Orleans on Rock Harbor

July 10 (rain date July 13th) at Dusk. More Info: Orleans 4th of July

Dennis, West Dennis Beach

August 21 at 9:15PM. Begins at 6:00 p.m. with a beach bonfire and marshmallow roasting, followed by the big fireworks display.
