
Navionics Boating Gets Our Vote for Best Phone Navigation App

Navionics Boating Gets Our Vote for Best Phone Navigation App

Navionics Boating is an accurate, easy-to-use app for your iPad, iPhone or Android device that is a perfect backup for your on-board navigation equipment. The app allows you to set routes and waypoints and plan your trip at home, and then carry it all on board for the trip. The app gives you access to the full range of Navionics’ worldwide charts, including satellite overlays, points of interest, alarm settings, etc. Plus, a community of Navionics users gives you access to comments, reviews and notices to provide local knowledge.

For an intuitive, informative and user-friendly mobile navigation app, Navionics Boating is a clear winner. Check it out. The introductory version is free. And please let us know what you think.
